As anyone who knows me will admit, I am a big advocate of Eliminator Boats. This is not because they pay me to say this but rather because I believe it all the way to the depth of my heart. I wear clothing with their brand proudly around Tallahassee, Florida, hardly a place to sell a powerboat. Still, I am a member of an elite few. I have gone 144 mph (yes, you read that correctly) in a boat. Not only that but a 36' open canopy boat. It was INSANE! I am the first to admit that 144 mph is a good speed for land, but not water. I do not like anything over 20.6 mph, my wakeboarding speed. But Eliminators feel safe. It was not scary to be going this quickly but rather exhilarating, like jumping off a ninety foot cliff. Once the last foot leaves the edge, there's no turning back. Similarly, once the boat planes, there's no stopping it from reaching full capacity.
The one boat I am talking about today, however, has more to do with racing. This boat, our boat for the summer, is a 27' Daytona. Ironically, it has much to do with the Daytona Speedway. A few years back, Daytona Speedway tried to attack Eliminator for naming their boat after the area. Eliminator, founded in 1969, quickly came back and proved that they were there before the Speedway. In turn, a bond was formed. Eliminator Daytonas, the catamaran versions of the boats, have been at the races in Lake Lloyd. The 2008 Daytona 500 featured the 27' Daytona with a back hatch signed by the starting line up of all the drivers and some of the owners. This boat, with an Ilmore engine, had either a 625 or 700 hp engine (we couldn't figure it out after a summer of use). The 50th Anniversary boat planed as if on air and ran on only 2 tanks of gas for a 2 month period of use. All of the boats have a gel coat paint so, unlike some other boats, running your hand across the colors leaves nothing to the touch but a smooth surface. Moreso than anything else, the pictures speak for themselves. One friend calls the boat the Exfoliator because, well, again it speaks for itself. One ride on these boats will have anyone smiling from ear to ear and proudly wearing the Eliminator badge, even with the nearest power boating junction hundreds of miles away.